Monday, November 5, 2007

Cereal Blog #6 - Milo

Mmmmm, mmmmm, Milo. What happens when you mix chocolate, with cereal, with milk, add a little chocolate? You get Nestle's Milo, the Nutritious ENERGY cereal. Something tells me that cereals that have there own chocolate bars, and powdery milk drinks aren't the most nutritious in the world. However, taste wise, Milo is amazing. You start out with a big bowl, and by the end you just have chocolate milk. It's 2 for the price of 1. Warning! Do not try to fill the bowl with the same left over milk from the first. You may create the most Choc-tastic drink you will every experience.
In day to day news..... I've really begun to integrate into Australian culture. By that I mean I have taken up swimming. People who know me well know that I could swim about 20 metres before gasping for air, and screaming for my life. Today, I went for 1.35 kilometres --- with some help from flippers ;). For the first time, I got to a point where my entire lower body shut down from cramps. My feet, my ankles, my calves, my quads, my hamstrings all went numb and screamed in pain. At that moment four Staffers started yelling at me. "wow, they can tell I'm struggling .... Lifeguards are amazing!". Nope, they wanted me to swim to them, and then dive down to search for a woman's ring. Let's just say, I didn't have much success, as I was more worried about staying above water than finding something at the bottom.
Tomorrow is the Melbourne Cup!!! A big horse race. Victoria (Australian State that Melbourne is in) actually shuts down and has a stat holiday for the event. Not bad. Unfortunately Western Australia does not either, but it's supposed to be a good show. I will update you on the happenings tomorrow. Hopefully there will be a work pool.

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