Friday, January 18, 2008

Ruptured Eardrum

Continuing my trend of great moments in 2008 (remember midnight at New Years, and the wave that flipped me), I had an unfortunate incident involving a qtip and shuddering from being cold in the air conditioned house. Result: Ruptured Eardrum. Can you say "Oww!". It was a very intense initial pain. Fortunately it hasn't affected my hearing at all, but it's still a little sore when i burp, hiccup or sneeze. You don't realize how often you do those things until it's painful to do so. As it seemed to be a serious injury, I actually went to see a doctor, and she said it should heal in a couple weeks, and the only thing I can't do is fly in an airplane. She said no worries about going swimming and such, but if I'm worried, I can stick some Blu-Tack into my ear. Blu-Tack is a sticky chemical that is a cross between bubble gum and play-doh. I went to the pharmacy today, and the woman there thought that was the dumbest idea ever, and got me a real ear plug instead. Hmmmm, makes me wonder how good a job that doctor did.......


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