Monday, January 21, 2008

This Is How You Remind Me Of A Fudgesicle

The Australian summer is becoming a little boring and monotonous. Let's see .... i think it's going to be sunny .... and ...... let's go with hot today! Day after day, sunshine and warm weather, it never changes. Thank god for Air Conditioning .... and PADDLE POPS!!!! I usually go through at least 1 a day! My first Paddle Pop experience occurred in Kalbarri during my first week. I saw a banana popsicle and bit at the opportunity, literally. It didn't disappoint. Mmmmmm banana. It also became JP's favourite when he was in WA and he convinced members of his Ayers Rock tour that Banana is the way to go.

Also high on my list is the Chocolate variety. This is the Australian equivalent of a fudgesicle. Mmmmmm fudgesicles......

My least favourite of the 3 is Rainbow. Although still very tasty, I feel there is just too much going on, visually and tastebuddily. On a funny side note, my Australian friend Mark went once went as a Rainbow Paddle Pop for Halloween.

Paddle Pops also have a Lick a Prize contest where you collect your popsicle sticks and if you match up the correct puzzles, YOU WIN!!!! I just need one more to win a holiday in queensland, a new tv, a boat and a bike. Just one more in each of them!!!! Gotta keep eating, odds are I'm sure to get that last one!

One of the more hilarious parts of Paddle Pops is there lion mascot, who I originally thought kinda looked like Chad Kroeger from Nickelback. I did a little research and found a Facebook Group dedicated to this phenomenon. Wow! Is there anything the internet can't do?

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