Thursday, January 31, 2008

Vote B08YD - Contiki Reality Show

It's election time folks! Well not really. Contiki is offering a free trip from Sydney to Cairns on March 30th to 1 Canadian and 2 Brits who get the most votes in a photo contest. The trip is going to be filmed and turned into an 8 part reality TV show. Who better to be on reality TV than me???? I have gone with the tried and true picture of me using a power hose, as well, a power hose. I need your votes people as I'm still hovering around 36th place. A vote of 10 is Best (give me a 10), and give other people something that isn't a 10 :) .... or just vote how you feel. Hint 1 = Bore ;). The website isn't the most viewer friendly as you have to actually go through random photos until my picture comes up, but while you are doing that, just envision the fun times you'll have watching me on TV!

The Link Again click here

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