Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Banana Extravaganza

Sometimes in life you have those moments that change everything. Today, I had one of those moments...

Webster's Dictionary defines Banana as repeated too often or overfamiliar through overuse..... Wait a minute, woops, wrong word. Banana is defined as an elongated usually tapering tropical fruit with soft pulpy flesh enclosed in a soft usually yellow rind.

After already enjoying a yummy Banana Paddle Pop while walking to the City West train station, I stumbled upon a sight never before seen. Bananas for less than $2.50/kg in Perth!!!! Just about as impressive was a banana that was TWO! Yup, there is photographic evidence below! I was just blown away by this. Why can't all Bananas be Double Bananas. I reckon you get the best bang for your buck in terms of volume to surface area ratio with the double banana. What happens when you want to make a Banana Split? Do you have to put Double the Ice Cream and Chocolate Syrup? Do you have to put multiple layers to your Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich?

Because this moment was so Special, I decided to use half the banana with some Special K cereal. Which isn't really the Special K that you'd find in Canada. The other half will likely be used in a Fruit Salad ..... to FREAK people out!

In other non-Banana news. Mom and Dad arrive in less than 24 hours. Should be exciting. I got my head shaved today. Last night, saw Casablanca at the King's Park Outdoor Moonlight Cinema. So Romantic. And I'm down to my last day of Yoga tomorrow. I'm sad to end yoga, but in a way, happy as I don't like the instructor for this session. Yesterday, in front of the entire class, she lectured me ( and it was just me) on the proper placement of yoga mats throughout the room. She explained how to make it easier for yourself and others to move freely. That's not such an issue, is it? Well it IS when you are the FIRST person to arrive in class and place down your mat. Everyone else just did a bad job of placing their mats around me. And she should have known, as she was the SECOND person to arrive. It was the first time in my life that I have intentionally rudely ignored someone when they are trying to talk to me. Even now, I'm still getting upset..... ok, time to put on my Banana Pajamas!!!

ps. Bananas in Pajamas is Australian!

Just a regular looking banana .... right?

Maybe not so regular anymore!

Yup .... two soft pulpy fleshes!
Close up on them!
They are completely stuck together .... just like Siamese twins .... except they share the same Banana.
Cross section of the bananas.
Bananas in Special K cereal! .... although it's not Special K

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