Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Rottnest Experience

Mom, Dad and I had a successful trip to Rottnest Island for 4 days. As usual, the beaches were out of this world, the biking was breathtaking, and the quokkas were KRAZY! For those who don't know, Rottnest Island is carless (except for Buses, a police car, and some luggage transport vans), so you just bike around everywhere without a care in the world. The beaches are WORLD CLASS!!!
We spotted Dolphins (not sharks …. There is always that split second moment where you have to decide which one it is) in both Fremantle and in the Basin. At the Basin they were just 20 metres from shore, and if I had my swimwear on, I would have been out swimming with them in no time.

Dad giving the thumbs up at Longreach Bay

Booking accommodation for Rottnest is very difficult. Accommodation goes on sale 1 year in advance, and is sold out within days. To find a place to stay, you need to hope for a cancellation. Fortunately, I found one for the 3 nights when Mom and Dad were here. Unfortunately, it was at the Army Barracks. The place used to house the Australian Army from the 1930s to 1960s and has now been turned into a Youth Hostel. We stayed in the “Seargent’s Quarters”, so we had our own bathroom, but you do need to bring your own sheets and pillow cases. Saturday night was absolute mayhem. There is a “No Alcohol” rule at the Barrack’s, but in Australia that’s like saying there is a “No Swimming” rule at a local beach. It just doesn’t happen. I slept fine that night, but supposedly there was some good screaming sessions, Happy Birthdays, and at one point a couple were threatening to kill each other. The police came 3 times! Fun times. We then lined up at the Mess Hall for Sunday Breakfast. Then it was off to march and do drills. Left, Left, Left, Right, Left ….. I mean off to bike and swim.

Mom checking out the water at Bickley Bay

Rock Formations at Phillip Point
Crested Turns at Phillip Point
Quokka Rules
There are 2 sides to Rottnest Island. The DAY, which is run by humans biking the paths, swimming in the ocean, sunbathing on the beach, drinking in the pub, and laughing all day long. However at NIGHT, it’s Quokka Rules. They magically appear and take over the entire island. Hopping, bouncing, scrimmaging and crapping everywhere! Much like death and taxes, so too is stepping in Quokka Pool. There is just so much, that it is inevitable that you will get some on your sandals.

Sunset over Longreach Bay

The Rottnest Bus

At Little Salmon Bay, Dad and I watched a huge scrum of fish picking away at a dead octopus. It was quite large, and quite interesting. They had a snorkel tour here where you dove down and could read these underwater plaques, and then follow the trail. It was the best snorkelling of the trip.

Bikes Outside Little Salmon Bay

Sance Armstrong rocking it on the bike.

Dad came down with TB. Nope, not Tuberculosis …. Tired Bum. It was a little contagious, but Mom and I didn’t get it anywhere near as bad.

Death Spider .... not entirely sure if it's venomous, but it was a good 3 to 4 inches long, and the spider web look thick enough to capture a small bird. This thing gave me the heeby pajeebies.

A plane flying in to the Rottnest Airstrip

The view at Oliver Hill Lookout

The Mega-Cannon at Oliver Hill .... to protect against the Japs in WWII

Mom and Dad having a swim at the Basin

I introduced Dad to many of the cheap Aussie Beers. At the pub a pint ranges from $8 to $9, but at the grocery store you can get the Bogan beers for $2 to 2.50 a can, compared to the $6 import Coronas. I thought those were supposed to be the cheap beers.

The Bathurst Lighthouse

Sunset over Thomson Bay

As there is no Drip Coffee in Australia (there are only Fancicinnos and Instant) I got Mom and Dad addicted to the Iced Coffees that are all the rage here. Iced Coffees, Iced Mochas, Chocolate Milk, Strawberry Milk. They are hugely popular Down Under.

The Road out to the West part of the Island
I cycled out to the Far West of the Island. It’s about 11km long. The furthest point is Cape Vlamingh, the Dutch Explorer who was the first white man to visit Rottnest. He was also the one who called it Rottenest (dutch for Rat's Nest) The ride should have taken just over an hour. Instead, it took over 2 hours as I kept stopping to take photos and enjoy the breathtaking views. The western side is untouched compared to the east. There are some venomous snakes on Rottnest, and a few walks around the bushes on that side of the island had me shivering in my crocs. Note: Crocs are the safest footware for snakes.

Rottnest Skies

Houses at Geordie Bay and the Windmill. In the Foreground is Lake Baghdad

Eagle Bay

Dad in the Water, Mom under the Umbrella at Little Parakeet Bay

Me enjoying the calmness of Little Parakeet Bay .... another great snorkelling spot
Me atop a sand dune at Parakeet Bay (not the Little one)
The view from atop the dune at Parakeet Bay
Enjoying the view so much, I can't stay on my feet!
Neither can Dad!

Dad riding down the trails
The golf greens ..... not so green as they are sandy.
More Quokka shots ... this one found a broken sprinkler head.
A little blurry, but just too damn cute not to put on.
Sunset over Herschel Lake with Wadjemup Lighthouse in the background.

Sunise at the Army Barracks ... where we stayed.
Sunrise over Fremantle
On another breakfast, we went looking for a restaurant and cafĂ©. They had a menu on a chalkboard for yoghurt (notice the H in yogurt), musli, and fruit. As there were no prices, Mom went in and asked the waitress. “I don’t know how much it is, lemme ask the owner” ….. “You don’t know the price of a meal?” ….. the owner comes out, looks at us, “It’s $12”. “$12 for yoghurt???? Let us think about that one” ….. as Mom was still there, another lady came up with an issue in her bill “Excuse, $22 for Bacons and Eggs seems a little steep” ….. Gotta love that “Tourist Discount” …. We then went to the grocery store and made our own.

The three of us at the Basin
Notice the creepy guy hiding behind the bushes taking the photos of the babe suntanning on the beach on the left. Can you say .... CREEPY!
Fish Hook Bay near the Western Most Part of the Island.
I'll try to get some photos put up on my photo site from this trip, but until then, you can look back at my Previous Trip in November or read about it here.

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