Thursday, January 31, 2008

Two kinds of Speed

I've been taking Yoga at 6:30am out in Leederville for the past 3 weeks. I usually bike the 25 minutes there, and it's very tranquil as there are no cars on the road and no people on the paths. However, today was a little different. As I locked up my bike outside the studio, there was a big, bald guy in his early 30's bouncing around like a 6-year old waiting for his birthday party to start. He quickly approached me and trap me in conversation as I tried to get by and into the studio. "Hey man, I'm on SPEEEEED. You want some?" ..... "no, I'm ok" ..... "It's alright, I got plenty, over that way in my apartment" ..... "no, I think I'll just go to Yoga today" ..... "Come on man, it'll get you really horny!" ..... "Well it's 6:30am, I don't want to get really horny, and I think watching hot girls wearing tight fitting clothes, and stretching for an hour and a half would be a lot more enjoyable" ...... He really wouldn't take no for an answer. He probably just wanted my Yoga-Hot Body.

The second Speed today came at the bookstore. Books in Australia are very expensive. Paperbacks are minimum $15, except at this one store at an outlet mall where they are just $5. The book I found, was "CSI: Miami - Harm for the Holidays Heart Attack" .... instead of Home for the Holidays. Classic!!!! I can't wait to READ what Horatio will do in Harm for the Holidays Heart Attack. Oh yah, Speed was a character on CSI: Miami that they killed off a few years ago. Any mention of the drug Speed makes me think of him.

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