Saturday, December 15, 2007

Jonnymoon SW Day4 PM - You Gotta Be Echidding Me!

After finding sunshine, we had a great Saturday afternoon, mostly spent in Yallingup at the beach.

This was the beach we went down to. There was major surf, and was packed.... then the winds moved in, and all the smart people took off. We fought long and hard, even went for a swim, but the wind was just too strong (you couldn't lay down on the beach as the sand stung)
View from above, this was when it was really windy. You can imagine how much nicer and clearer it is when it is calm!

We then headed to Canal Rocks before going for Pizza in Dunsborough. The is looking back at the coast from Canal Rocks.
A cool lizard that we saw.... DON"T TOUCH.... it's poisonous ... probably
Canal Rocks from Above
We then set off to watch for whales at an official Whale Observation Post. This is literally what this is...... literally!
After some issues, we found Meelup beach. Not too shabby.

On the walk through Cape Naturaliste, it was probably the most frightened I've been about the possibility of snakes. The sun was just going down and it was heavy bush. Anyway, I warned JP and Laura about the danger, then 30 seconds we were a rustle right next to us. "Freeeeeze, Don't move". They were a bit behind and didn't know what it was. Turns out it was an Echidna (pronounce eeee-kidna). These are sorta porcupine/hedgehog/platypus creatures.
Echidnas are monotremes, and along with platypus are the only mammals that lay eggs. The echidnas have a four-headed penis, but only two of the heads are used during mating. The other two heads "shut down" and do not grow in size. The heads used are swapped each time the mammal has sex. Bet you found that as Interesting as me. Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog video games was an echidna. They also have a funny side to side walk.
After the excitement of the echidna, I wasn't paying attention and smashed my toe against this rock..... OUCH. Toenail is still hanging on!
A view of the bush at Cape Naturaliste
Driving to Cape Naturaliste, JP and I spotted a kangaroo running in this field. Laura was driving and was very jealous. Anyway, driving back, it's now sunset, and I tell them to watch out for 'roos and make sure you don't run them over. Then. eeeerrrrrrrrrr, JP slams on the brakes. Jumps out of the car, and runs 50 metres back. He has spotted some kangaroos. I have very good eyesight, but I got to admit, the kangaroos he saw were about 500 metres away and underneath a tree. Back into the car, 200 metres, we spot these guys. Stop the car again. Fortunately that was the last stop, as we saw another 30 kangaroos on the drive home. We never would have got to our tents.
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Tomorrow: The final Update from Busselton!

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