Friday, December 21, 2007

McLoving the Summer Solstice

Not to brag ..... but, it was the Longest day of the year (Australian) .... the days were technically longer in June in Victoria. It was a nice sunshiney day, around 26 C. So not that warm. I hope the shortest day of the year is treating people well back home. Is it close to 26 C there?
To take advantage of this great day, several friends and I headed down to the "Moonlight Theatre" at King's Park. For 3 months in the summer, they set up a screen and a theatre and the movie starts once the sun sets. The "theatre" is actually lit up by the moon.... literally! Everynight is a new movie. They play current movies, recent movies, and the classics. Tonight was Superbad. That falls under the Recent Classic category. The great thing about this outdoor theatre is that it is BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything): Blankets, chairs, snacks, and BOOZE. Whatever you want. Next time I'm bringing a mattress (saw a few of the blow up kind) or a couch. It was the best theatre I've every experienced (close second is Tinseltown in Van Chinatown with the seats that actually recline).

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