Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The balls are starting to roll

So things are beginning to happen in Ol' Perth City. Through Mark & Holly, I met a guy with a spare room (actually 2) for rent. It's a really nice place in a really nice area. Not super close to the beach, but not too far away. Also close to the train line so it's an easy commute into the city. I'll move in on the weekend, and upload some pics of the place when I get a chance. The 2 rooms are little kiddie bedrooms, big enough to fit a bed and that's it. But I do have my own bathroom!

On the job front. I met up a couple times with one of the Directors of a junior mineral exploration company. They were interested in bringing me onboard. So right now, I've agreed to a 3 month contract, and we'll see how things go. But I'll get plenty of time in the Outback (oh my it's going to be hot), so I'm excited. They said I was going to be employee #7, so there is plenty of growing available for the company. I'm going to start work mid-next week.

With the job and a place to live, I also went for a phone. Vodafone! I got some cheap, basic phone and am on the pre-paid system. In Australia, there's no charge to any incoming calls, so if you want to give me a shout, I'll pass on my number!

My new place doesn't have internet, so I'm not really sure how I'll get that going. Hopefully figure something out. Anyhow, might not update as regularly after the weekend.

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