Saturday, October 6, 2007

Meekatharra - Day #3 - Meatalcoharra

Decided to add a couple photo features on my pic site. Daily Outback Sunsets, and Daily Self Portaits in Krazy Mirror.

Back to the daily blog. What can I say .... another interesting day in the outback.
I saw my first cloud today as the sun was going down. There aren't many clouds in the sky during the day. Although I've found the sky to be quite gray during the day. Probably because their is so much dust in the sky.

I'm starting to learn about aboriginal affairs. It is a prickly issue here... They haven't been treated very well for the past 200 years. We ended up going back to the location from the previous days aswe had to take an aboriginal fellow to supervise the drilling. So we met Trevor [after searching for 217 Darlot st..... which really is technically 95 Darlot street ... why do houses have two street numbers?] and took him out for a day of geology fun. We fed him, drove him around, provided him with Coke. We had a great day!!! I don't really want to get too into the stories from today. Maybe another time. He was actually a very sweet fellow, but he always repeated what you said, and then made it sound like he came up with it. "Looks like the fence is over there". "Yah, I see the fence is over there". "There might be some tracks in the sand". Ï see tracks in the sand over there"....

All our stakes were taken out by the Rancher because they had flagging tape. We had to re-find the locations.... and then use flagging tape as we didn't have any more stakes... since the rancher took them. The issue with flagging tape is that the cattle will eat it and die. The cattle are so short on food that they have also been eating our sample bags. They also stalk us. They will follow us from hole to hole, hoping that we will be dropping food for them. Then they tear apart our bags. Looks like we are going back again tomorrow to try to save as many bags as possible.
There is no shortage of Meat and Alcohol in this Shire [not a town, it's called a shire] ... I'm considering calling this place Meatalcoharra. I think I'll gain about 10 pounds due to the food I've eaten here this week ... that's assuming I won't have a heart-attack before the end of it. [update- survived without a heart attack but stopped eating any local meals on Friday, just stuck to bananas and apples and iced coffees].

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