Tuesday, October 23, 2007

From Jim Vandemeer to Marty Havlat

If you get that you are either a) my brother , b) very clever , c) have spent the last few years suffering!

Did someone say .... Jelly Fish???

Well today [actually very late last night] started off with quite the shock ..... literally. As I was putting my digital cameras in to get charged up. I had an issue with the Aussie/North American converter. The issue resulted in a 220Volt shock up my arm. It definately wakes you up. The tip of one my finger nails actually turned black. Try going to sleep after that!!!! I'm still waiting for my superpowers.....

Fortunately, I survived, and had already decided to take Tuesday off work. The plan: Go to AQWA (Aquarium of Western Australia) up north in Hillarys. Who with: My favourite person .... ME! How am I getting there: With Jacques (my bike). How long a distance: 20km. How long will it take me: Very long as I kept stopping at every single beach because they just kept getting more and more spectacular. The bike ride was breathtaking, and life-changing! I'm not entirely sure why I decided to start working here. I think I should just quit and do that bike ride every day for the next 10 months! (at least when it's Mid 20's outside).

I made it to Hillarys and AQWA and had a great time. Having a shark swim over you and be only centimeters away is surreal. It was also neat to see some of the many poisonous underwater creatures. Memo to self: "Don't Touch ANYTHING!!!"

On the way home, I decided to spend a couple hours at City Beach. I did a little walking, a lot of Lying, and there was some major enjoying!!! I got a little tuckered out from all the relaxing on the beach. Headed home. Ordered a pizza, and opened a couple letters [Thanks Matt/Valentina [also currently watching CSI Miami :) literally!], Laura/JP [can't believe they stole my recipe for jonchos .... although, there was no mention of layering], Gramps), as they all arrived today!!! What are the odds?
Photos from the Day:

Walking to the water at City Beach

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