Saturday, October 6, 2007

Meekatharra - Day #4 & 5 - warning! graphic content

So after the many warnings, and many near misses as kangaroos, cows, emus, and sheep ran across the road, I finally hit my first animal.... It was an emu that ran out in front of the car, and I had zero time to respond. I tapped the break a little, but held firm and kept the wheel locked straight. Emus don't really cause the damage that kangaroos or cows do because they are smaller, and lighter.

Unfortunately, the emu did not take the 80km/hr impact very well. We sat in the car knowing that we would have to go back to put it out of it's misery. Our only option was a tire iron meaning we'd have to get up close and personal ith it. Fortunately a car came up a few minutes later, and there was an old bloke who took a look at us and knew he would have to do the deed. He got out a shovel. It was very heart-breaking, but as any Aussie would tell you, it's just part of life down under...
Also, we had the pleasure of changing another tire today. At least this one wasn't in the middle of the night... Only in the heat of the mid-day sun. The temperature was very hot today, up to around 37 C [In Perth it was 21 C today]. As compared to the cooler 32, 33 C that we worked in the previous three days. I think I drank about 6 litres of water, and only went the washroom (i mean toilet .... don't say washroom here, ppl laugh at you) about twice. The water just gets sucked out of you!
One more day to go .... what crazy adventures will happen tomorrow. I can't wait!!!
FRIDAY - Day 5
Not too exciting today, hung around town and enjoyed country living. Watched some store
owners go wacko losing their patience.

Took the worst flight ever, 30 minutes from Meekatharra to Mt Magnet. We stayed low and
were stuck in thermal winds (vertical winds) that are caused as the hot surface air rises
into the atmosphere. Major turbulence the whole way. The woman behind me asked the
stewardess if this was normal. She smiled and said "Yup". Just great.
Can't wait for the next adventure!

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