Monday, October 8, 2007

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

It's official!!!! I'm Swedish! I went to a conference in Burswood today, and they had difficulty spelling my name. Well it is 3 letters long!!! J-O-N. Someone must have thought, "That's not how you spell "Yawn" or "Yan". You spell it J-A-N. My name was actually spelt that way on the organization chart at my last job, so it's not the first time.. I can understand John, but Jan???
To cover up the mishap I just added an "enson" to the end of "Boyd", and talked with a Swedish accent. "Yaaaaahhh, I'm from Svvveeeden. Markus Naslund, Sedin Twins score super goals yaahhhhh Svveeeden".
Well Jan is still better than being called "Grant" or "Craig"!!! That's a whole 'nother story.

Doing my Sveeedish Impression

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